Jan 17, 2021

10 Advantages of Mobile Apps for Business: Should You Build a Mobile App?

Mobile apps are expected to generate a combined revenue of $189 billion by the end of 2020 (Statista). And if you think that only big business will get pieces of this pie, you may be wrong. Indeed, according to a Clutch study, 42% of small businesses have their own mobile apps. This means that almost half of small entrepreneurs have already seen the advantages of mobile apps for business. Let's take a look at why mobile apps are needed, what benefits they bring, and which of these points can definitely affect the development and profitability of your company.


Are the infographics impressive? Let's dive into other main benefits of mobile apps for business.

Expanding presence

On average, an adult spends three hours and 30 minutes on their smartphone each day. Moreover, 90% of this time is used for applications. So you can create a mobile app that allows you to be as close to your audience as possible, practically in your consumers' pockets and at their fingertips. And if the nature of your business allows, you can become a part of the daily activity of your audience. Or enter the list of 30 apps, calculated by Statista, that every smartphone owner uses every month.

High engagement

A high-quality application, thanks to various custom features, stimulates audience activity, which means that it engages consumers more in interactions with your business. For example, your app may have convenient and reliable payment features, along with the ability to book certain services or items, leave reviews, integrate social media accounts, communicate with customer service, etc. These actions that can be performed on the go will definitely help keep your audience at a certain level of activity.

Easy and convenient communication

You get a direct personal channel for communication with your existing and potential customers. And these are great benefits for both parties. While you do not need to look for additional ways to convey the necessary information, it will not be difficult for your audience to contact you, for example, in a chat. Thanks to this, you get valuable information in the form of reviews, questions, and suggestions to improve the shopping experience. Also, you can share news and carry out promotions using push notifications or special information sections. And your audience gets additional value in the form of your openness and accessibility.

Increasing brand awareness

Your corporate identity is in front of the client; he just needs to look at the phone screen. 49% of users open apps 11+ times a day on average (Sencor Tower). Your app is a stand-alone billboard in a customer’s pocket. You can update messages as often as you like and use relevant visuals, interactive content, and other tricks to promote your brand.

Sales boosting

A convenient interface that allows for making purchases in a few clicks from anywhere reduces the time for making a purchase decision and greatly simplifies the user's task. The client does not need to visit the site and spend more time. Plus, you can grab the attention of your audience with special messages that go directly to your offer. And it's all in one iteration, within one device. At the same time, a several-step secure payment system and a simple order form will provide a great shopping experience. This advantage is even confirmed by statistics: 52% of online orders are made through a mobile phone (Datareportal).

Complementing existing marketing channels

A mobile app is a great way to make your marketing efforts more effective. It can be easily integrated into a marketing campaign just like you do with a website or social accounts. While your site attracts new customers and provides expanded information about you, the mobile application works with a loyal audience, for example, providing a service in the form of convenient transactions and direct communication. You can promote a mobile application on social networks or attract subscribers to your accounts using it. Also inside the app, you can announce your offline activities and generally use it for effective cross-promotion.

Reducing marketing costs

With an app, you can significantly reduce the burden of marketing expenses. Compared to different types of advertising and other promotional activities, push notifications are much cheaper. Moreover, such notifications are perceived more readily, as they are often useful and informative.

Valuable analytics

You have ample opportunity to track and analyze consumer behavior. You can collect information about both user activity inside the application and their preferences and habits using third-party smartphone functions. The first will allow you to improve the user experience and app functionality and analyze basic demographics, conversion rates, and payment activity. And permission to read information from third-party applications reveals a lot in the portrait of a consumer, allowing you to offer useful information and services based on preferences, location, and other factors. This can also be seen as the benefits of mobile apps for customers, as they will always receive relevant information.

Competitive advantage and market fit

Of course, if there are no or very few applications in your niche yet, the presence of one will set you apart from the competition. It is also very important to track market demand and the circumstances that affect it. For example, in this pandemic year, Zoom is the king of apps.


Providing additional value for customers

If the client has installed the application on his smartphone, then he is already a supporter of your brand. Therefore, mobile applications are primarily targeted at a loyal audience and its rewarding. Be like Starbucks with their points program for free drinks and other gifts. Place your loyalty program on your mobile app. Since mobile applications are more interactive, you can even create a whole brand game in them.

Our Experience

Since we use only proven and maximally flexible technologies, we can create an app of any complexity from scratch. The Gearheart team is ready to help you figure out which one to choose: develop a mobile app or a progressive web app that will work equally well on desktops, tablets, and phones. Take a look at our portfolio, where you will find various applications for completely different areas of business.


If you found these benefits of mobile apps meaningful as described and can relate them to your business goals, you should probably consider developing an app. Of course, it isn't always necessary due to the nature of the business. If your customers only use your service or product several times a year, then it makes sense to limit yourself to a mobile version of a website or a progressive web application. If your business dictates more frequent activity, from several times a month, a mobile application will be very useful since it is always faster to interact with the app, and this is possible even offline.

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