Jun 21, 2020

The Role Of Quality Assurance in Software Development

The significance of the testing of created applications or new software is understandable enough. When business owners neglect this process, they could meet a lot of trouble later. Some bugs may lead to serious crashes in the operational performance of business apps.

One of the most significant things is to define the role of QA in agile software development. What do we know about it? The QA definition is simple enough. It is the process that concerns all phases of the web applications' creation. The key objectives of it include the determination of the methodology for ensuring the quality of the created application and integrating the testing results into the overall development process. You should gather information about the most effective quality assurance methods in software development.


What is Quality Assurance in Software Development?

Companies that take care of their software realize the importance of QA in software development. It is an obligatory part of quality management. The testing process implementation allows for meeting the requirements for the stable operational performance of new software. There are three main reasons for QA undertaking:

Development Control

If the owner wants to get the qualitative final version of the software, he should monitor all stages of development. It is necessary to identify defects of the established requirements at the beginning to prevent serious problems later.

Image protection

If your application produces errors or downloads slowly, potential customers won’t work with it. Your business platform can be the most interesting and profitable for customers. However, if they see errors instead of normal operational performance, they will find other similar applications without glitches.

Moreover, it will be difficult enough to persuade them that all challenges have been eliminated and it is possible to try again after bugs are deleted on the platform. The first impression is hard to change, so you have to take care of software quality in advance.

Business Safety

The cost-effectiveness is the main benefit you will get as a result of professional quality assurance for software development. It is cheaper to fix some mistakes at the start of the project. Detecting one error may entail others, so the number of your problems could increase rapidly. So, don’t postpone the testing process.


However, you have to remember the difference between methods. The best way to keep up QA standards for software development is to hire an experienced specialist.

When we talk about quality assurance we should realize that it is a wide term. QA helps evaluate the correctness of different technological processes at each phase of web platform development to ensure its high quality.

QA is a process-oriented approach that includes testing and quality control as integral parts. According to hierarchy, testing is the most simple product-oriented method that aims to arrange test cases to pass for bug detection. It is the part of quality control, the next level, that is responsible for compliance with the requirements for the system. On the basis of testing and control results, it is possible to make a global analysis of correct website performance.

What are the main characteristics of quality assurance in web development? There are six main points.


This characteristic is responsible for the correct, accurate, interoperable work of created software. It should confirm that the product meets potential customers’ requirements.


The completeness and integrity of the entire system are the main attributes of this characteristic. It shows the ability of the web platform to carry out its functions in certain circumstances for a certain period. Also, it should prove that software is absolutely protected from unauthorized access.


The simplicity of usage, a comfortable and understandable interface, attractive design, easy-to-learn functions, and useful content are the main features of each application’s usability.


It includes the ease of analyzing, testing, modifying, and updating system defects for the implementation of new software requirements.


It is a software capability to provide the required high level of performance due to allocated resources, time, and other indicated conditions. This characteristic is dependent on the site architecture and coding procedure implemented in the stage of development.


This feature characterizes how fast and easy an application could adapt to modifications in technical parameters. Also, it should demonstrate the simplicity of installing and replacement of system components.

The global statistical data proves the increasing interest in QA research. Many companies’ management realizes the necessity to test new programs and trade platforms and software. According to a report from 2019, almost one quarter of IT companies’ total expenses were allocated to QA for evaluating new applications’ performance.


What Are the Benefits of QA in Software Development?

If you decided to order testing services to check your new business application, you’re on the right path! Due to this necessary process, you will get the following advantages.

Financial Economy

It is one of the main benefits every business owner could get as a result of quality assurance in software development implementation. Evidently, the elimination of detected bugs in the drafted version of the software is not so expensive, and it is better to solve all problems as soon as possible to get the qualitative product at the end of web platform creation.

Safety Providing

The most delicate element of every business is the protection of customers’ data. There have been different cases when customers’ personal data was stolen for the reason of cyberattacks. Therefore, it is very important to ensure your clients in their full security. Professional software testing will provide your business safety because it could delete a lot of risky moments and vulnerable zones in advance.

Product and Service Quality Control

If you wish to promote your goods or services, your software should work according to the original plan, taking into account all necessary changes due to the market situation. Before development, you should notice the important requirements. When your application is ready, you have to check compliance with the conditions. It should work without problems to satisfy your clients’ needs. Professional testing includes different processes: specialists should check the basic app functionality, the clearness of content, the graphic correctness, etc. Also, the experienced tester should verify the software on different OS and devices.

Client Satisfaction

Every business owner realizes he needs to get a really valid and qualitative project to attract many clients. By having great services or products in your niche of the market, you will get loyal customers and their favorable opinion about your application. You have to impress them, and you will get their recommendations. It could help you expand your target audience and improve your profits.

Why do you need to hire QA specialists?

Quality assurance specialists are encouraged to participate in development processes to improve the final product, as well as ensure that these processes are carried out. Thus, if you want to increase the quality of your web platform, you should hire experienced experts in the field of QA.

There are a few types of responsibilities of QA specialists:

  • Developing and implementing QA strategies and basic procedures
  • Performing standard inspections and carrying out quality tests
  • Identifying and removing operational process bugs
  • Assuring that requirements and safety principles are respected
  • Discussing different problems and offering effective solutions
  • Creating detailed audit reports
  • Providing useful recommendations for effective performance

These specialists provide the total monitoring of QA for software development and make a list of actions like:

  • Performing independent reviews
  • Providing change management procedures
  • Availability of project configuration management operations
  • The comparison of planned and implemented processes

Let’s draw a clean distinction between role tester and QA engineer in the quality assurance process:

A tester’s task is to find existing defects in the software under examination; he works only with the product itself at the stages of development and completion. The tasks of a QA engineer include a wider range of duties. This expert has to monitor all processes of platform creation; he checks every stage of it, from the development of the Technical Task until the release of ready software.


Final Thoughts

To sum up, QA in software development is a complexity of measures covering all elements of the created platform. It can be undertaken at any stage of development to prevent possible defects. This procedure involves the optimization of existing processes: business analysis, structure development, design drafting, engineering, testing preparation, etc.

You may address the QA professional team, and they will provide a list of activities that will detail all necessary procedures to remove all defects in the short term.

It is necessary to have professional skills to realize what QA means in software development to get impressive results. If you entrust us with the work on your project, you will be absolutely calm about the high level of its development and testing.

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