No/Low-Code Application Development Company

Gearheart has built a platform that successfully competes with Notion and Airtable, and even surpasses them in some features. The SmartSuite Work Management Platform, one of our largest projects, is a no-code cloud based platform that allows you to plan, track, and manage any type of workflow for businesses of any size in any industry. A variety of visual interfaces include Kanban views, Map views, Calendar views, Dashboards, Smart Docs, Collaboration, Grid views, and Chart views. Administrative functions such as field type classification, data import, permissions, and integration are also provided. SmartSuite supports a Zapier, Make, Ply integration and an API.

At SmartSuite, we have developed over 200 predefined templates for various organizational functions and industries. Supported industries cover a wide range, including Non-Profit, Creative, Real Estate, Construction, Sports Associations, Facilities Management, Legal and Health and Wellness, etc. Organizational functions supported include HR, Marketing, IT, Product Development, Procurement, etc.

SmartSuite, went from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 4 weeks after launch. So we know exactly how to be useful in no-code and low-code development.



The growing popularity of no-code and low-code solutions for various business categories is explained by the significant advantages of these technologies. If you decide to build a competitor to Bubble, Notion, or Airtable, or build a custom platform for internal use, here's why you can succeed.

Increased speed and flexibility

Increased productivity

Cost Reduction

Effortless Integration

Strict Security and Permissions

Routine Tasks Automation


1. Acquaintance

If you have a vision for a product, you just need to contact us and share your idea. There is no need to include technical specifications or other complex documents. We will schedule a kick-off call with our CEO, hold a company presentation, and ask all the questions to compile the documentation for you. If necessary, at this stage we are ready to sign the NDA.

4. Ongoing Release

After creating and testing the functionality in sprints, we can launch individual parts of the No/Low-Code system into production. So you quickly get a working product that we continue to expand and improve further.

5. Maintenance

At your request, over time, we update, scale, and, if necessary, add completely new features. If by this time you have hired an in-house development team, we will transfer all the code and documentation.

2. Analysis and Requirements

Gathering as much information about the potential project as possible. We study the idea, the specifics of the area, and the users' problems that need to be solved. Determination of No/Low-Code platform goals, system requirements, set of technologies, core functionality, and budget. Creation of a roadmap.

3. Development

Development is carried out according to the principles of Agile, in which the process itself is divided into small iterations, that is, sprints. In this way, we can move accurately predicting the timing and costs. In accordance with the agreed priority of tasks, our developers create functionality that is tested at the end of each sprint. After bug fixing, the code is released into production.

1 Acquaintance

If you have a vision for a product, you just need to contact us and share your idea. There is no need to include technical specifications or other complex documents. We will schedule a kick-off call with our CEO, hold a company presentation, and ask all the questions to compile the documentation for you. If necessary, at this stage we are ready to sign the NDA.

2 Analysis and Requirements

Gathering as much information about the potential project as possible. We study the idea, the specifics of the area, and the users' problems that need to be solved. Determination of No/Low-Code platform goals, system requirements, set of technologies, core functionality, and budget. Creation of a roadmap.

3 Development

Development is carried out according to the principles of Agile, in which the process itself is divided into small iterations, that is, sprints. In this way, we can move accurately predicting the timing and costs. In accordance with the agreed priority of tasks, our developers create functionality that is tested at the end of each sprint. After bug fixing, the code is released into production.

4 Ongoing Release

After creating and testing the functionality in sprints, we can launch individual parts of the No/Low-Code system into production. So you quickly get a working product that we continue to expand and improve further.

5 Maintenance

At your request, over time, we update, scale, and, if necessary, add completely new features. If by this time you have hired an in-house development team, we will transfer all the code and documentation.


Here are just a few reasons why it is comfortable and efficient to work with the Gearheart developer team.

Clear And Streamlined Processes

Experienced And Reliable Team

High Level Of Cooperation


Agile Approach

We use a proven and flexible technology set to guarantee high-quality low-code app development.
React, Node.js, GraphQL, Typescript, Django, FastAPI, Python, ElasticSearch, AWS, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Mongodb, Cypress


Here are some examples of how no-code and low-code solutions can benefit different industries and business types.

Website and E-commerce

No-code website builders and e-commerce platforms allow small businesses to create and manage their online presence without coding skills. No-code marketing automation tools help businesses create and manage email campaigns, social media posts, and customer engagement workflows.


No/Low-code platforms can be used to develop custom patient management systems, appointment scheduling, and telemedicine solutions. Healthcare professionals can use no-code data analytics tools to analyze patient data and improve decision-making.


No-code and low-code solutions can streamline loan application processing, credit scoring, and customer onboarding. Non-technical staff can use no-code tools to generate financial reports and dashboards.


NCLC platforms can facilitate the creation of online courses, quizzes, and student management systems. Educational institutions can automate administrative tasks like student registration and scheduling.

Government and Public Sector

NCLC solutions can streamline the application and approval process for permits and licenses. Governments can use no-code platforms to create citizen engagement apps and portals.


No-code and low-code solutions can simplify hotel and restaurant reservation systems. Hospitality businesses can use no/low-code apps for concierge services and guest feedback collection.

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Our clients tell more

We are building a huge, game-changing work management platform. The Gearheart team has been there since day one. We have been working on a product for two years silently, until it went public in the beginning of 2022. The team has laid a foundation, the main architecture, and also developed all core modules of the system. Working with such talented people would make you want to hire more and more. carefully makes it intentionally to guarantee the highest level of expertise in any position.

Jon Darbyshire
Jon Darbyshire,
CEO at SmartSuite


What are the common features of low-code/no-code tools?

What types of tools can be developed using no-code and low-code technologies?

How much does it cost to develop a No-code/Low-code platform?

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