CRM Application Development Company

Gearheart has extensive experience in building custom CRM solutions. We are ready to provide our expertise in creating systems of any complexity from scratch precisely to the client's needs. Our solutions allow companies to manage data more efficiently, improve sales and marketing activities, automate their business processes, and personalize customer experiences. In our portfolio, you will find CRM solutions for various businesses and industries, such as platforms for automating financial operations, managing photo studios, scientific research in medical laboratories, and even an app for managing and analyzing air pollution data in real-time.



We are ready to help you if you need a full range of custom CRM development services or just a part of them.

CRM Software Development

CRM Integration

CRM Implementation

CRM Migration

CRM Consulting


1. Acquaintance

If you have a vision for a product, you just need to contact us and share your idea. There is no need to include technical specifications or other complex documents. We will schedule a kick-off call with our CEO, hold a company presentation, and ask all the questions to compile the documentation for you. If necessary, at this stage we are ready to sign the NDA.

4. Ongoing Release

After creating and testing the functionality in sprints, we can launch individual parts of the CRM system into production. So you quickly get a working product that we continue to expand and improve further.

5. Maintenance

At your request, over time, we update, scale, and, if necessary, add completely new features. If by this time you have hired an in-house development team, we will transfer all the code and documentation.

2. Analysis and Requirements

Gathering as much information about the potential project as possible. We study the idea, the specifics of the area, and the users' problems that need to be solved. Determination of CRM goals, system requirements, set of technologies, core functionality, and budget. Creation of a roadmap.

3. Development

Development is carried out according to the principles of Agile, in which the process itself is divided into small iterations, that is, sprints. In this way, we can move accurately predicting the timing and costs. In accordance with the agreed priority of tasks, our developers create functionality that is tested at the end of each sprint. After bug fixing, the code is released into production.

1 Acquaintance

If you have a vision for a product, you just need to contact us and share your idea. There is no need to include technical specifications or other complex documents. We will schedule a kick-off call with our CEO, hold a company presentation, and ask all the questions to compile the documentation for you. If necessary, at this stage we are ready to sign the NDA.

2 Analysis and Requirements

Gathering as much information about the potential project as possible. We study the idea, the specifics of the area, and the users' problems that need to be solved. Determination of CRM goals, system requirements, set of technologies, core functionality, and budget. Creation of a roadmap.

3 Development

Development is carried out according to the principles of Agile, in which the process itself is divided into small iterations, that is, sprints. In this way, we can move accurately predicting the timing and costs. In accordance with the agreed priority of tasks, our developers create functionality that is tested at the end of each sprint. After bug fixing, the code is released into production.

4 Ongoing Release

After creating and testing the functionality in sprints, we can launch individual parts of the CRM system into production. So you quickly get a working product that we continue to expand and improve further.

5 Maintenance

At your request, over time, we update, scale, and, if necessary, add completely new features. If by this time you have hired an in-house development team, we will transfer all the code and documentation.


Here are just a few reasons why it is comfortable and efficient to work with the Gearheart developer team.

Clear And Streamlined Processes

Experienced And Reliable Team

High Level Of Cooperation


Agile Approach

We use a proven and flexible technology set to guarantee high-end CRM system development services.
React, Node.js, GraphQL, Typescript, Django, FastAPI, Python, ElasticSearch, AWS, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Mongodb, Cypress

Our clients tell more

Working with such talented people would make you want to hire more and more. Gearheart carefully makes it intentionally to guarantee the highest level of expertise in any position.

Jon Darbyshire
Jon Darbyshire,
CEO at SmartSuite


CRM development companies often provide a number of standard features, but the ability to add custom functionality is critical to extend functionality and tailor the system to specific requirements.

Custom Fields

This might include fields for specialized industry data, product preferences, or other relevant details specific to clients’ businesses. For example, it has become common practice for us to add custom fields for specific client requests in the SmartSuite project. By the way, SmartSuite has more than 40 field types.

Workflows and Automation

This could include automated email sequences, task assignments, and notifications based on certain triggers or events in the CRM. For SmartSuite, we have built functionality that allows you to create your own rules using the builder. Users can create a complex, multi-step workflow recipe with multiple triggers and actions that will provide critical process optimization and efficiency.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Customers can add their own reporting and analytics tools to gain deeper insight into their data. This may include creating custom dashboards, charts, or reports focused on key performance indicators that align with their business goals. You can find similar functionality for analytics in our PlairSmartSuite, and SeraCare projects.

Integration with Third-Party Apps

This can include accounting software, marketing automation platforms, or even custom-built applications. Zapier, Ply, and are third-party integration platforms that enable SmartSuite users to create integrations between SmartSuite and over 2,000 other products and tools. The SmartSuite API allows external applications to access read, update, and delete data from solutions within the SmartSuite work management platform.

Permission Management

Customizing user roles and access levels within the CRM is vital to ensure data security and privacy. We implemented role-based access for OliviaSmartSuite, and SeraCare. They all have their own user authorization hierarchy. If necessary, you can separate or combine roles to limit or expand access rights.

AI-Powered Predictive Analytics

Integrating AI and machine learning capabilities into the CRM can help clients predict customer behavior, identify upsell opportunities, and personalize marketing efforts. We created predictive analytics for the time tracking and project management system Timer. This is our internal platform that we created taking into account our needs. Accurate assessment of tasks allows us to meet deadlines. Statistics from previous projects are used to predict how long new tasks will take to complete.

Feedback and Survey Forms

Including custom feedback and survey forms within the CRM helps clients gather valuable insights directly from customers and leads to improve products and services. In SmarSuite, we've created forms that are ideal for recording expenses, collecting responses, creating surveys and quizzes, generating leads, and many other processes that require external input.

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We provide custom CRM software development services for enterprises and large businesses, as well as small and medium organizations and startups.


Banks, credit unions, and investment firms handle sensitive financial data and require robust CRM systems for managing client accounts, processing transactions, and tracking customer interactions. Custom CRM systems can enhance data security and compliance.

Healthcare and BioTech

Custom CRM systems can be invaluable for healthcare providers, helping them manage patient records, appointments, billing, and follow-up care. They can also facilitate communication between healthcare professionals and patients.

Government & Public Sector

For this area, CRM systems greatly simplify the work with procurement, vendors, and government procedures. They are also increasingly used by government agencies to improve interactions with citizens, streamline operations, and improve the delivery of government services.


E-commerce businesses deal with large volumes of customer data, including purchase history, browsing behavior, and customer preferences. Custom CRM systems can help e-commerce retailers track customer interactions, provide personalized product recommendations, and manage inventory effectively.

Real Estate

Real estate agencies manage vast client databases and need to track property listings, client preferences, and property transaction histories. CRM systems can streamline the process of matching clients with suitable properties, sending automated notifications, and managing leads.


Educational institutions such as schools and universities can use custom CRM systems to manage student records, enrollment, communication with parents, and academic performance tracking.


What are the benefits of custom CRM development?

How much does it cost to create a custom CRM?

What CRM development services does Gearheart provide?

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Mar 3, 2022Business
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